Levi Divorce Lawyers


When one parent relocates due to a job, family or lifestyle change, minor children are inevitably affected. Whether it is the custodial or noncustodial parent who is moving, custody and visitation schedules will be affected. At Queens-based Daniella Levi & Associates, P.C., our seasoned family law lawyers help parents ensure that parent-child relationships remain intact.

Moving Out Of State

Life is constantly changing. Careers present new opportunities out of state, aging out-of-state family members need assistance and financial and emotional support systems move. When one parent decides it is in his or her best interest to relocate, that choice affects the entire family unit.

At Daniella Levi & Associates, P.C., we help residential parents obtain the court approval they need to relocate with their children. Because relocating with your child will reduce the amount of interaction your child has with his or her other parent, and has the potential to break down that parent-child relationship, you must show good reason to relocate. Our attorneys know the factors courts evaluate when determining whether to approve a relocation. Working with our clients, we build a sound case for relocation that proves the relocation will benefit the minor children involved.

Once the relocation is approved, we work with our clients to modify custody determinations and visitation schedules to ensure children maintain relationships with both parents.

Preventing The Breakdown Of Parent-Child Relationships

If your children’s other parent relocated with your children without court approval, you can get a court order forcing him or her to bring your children back. At Daniella Levi & Associates, P.C., we have successfully helped many clients prevent their children from being relocated to a different city, state or country and maintain their parent-child relationship.

Even if your child’s other parent has full residential custody of your child, he or she cannot simply move with the child without court approval. Our seasoned family law attorneys will help you oppose his or her move in court, demonstrate that relocation would destroy your parent-child bond and not be in your child’s best interests.

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