Levi Divorce Lawyers


Based in Queens, Daniella Levi & Associates, P.C., helps couples throughout New York City legally separate in a clean, efficient manner.

Legal Separation Agreement Attorneys: Helping Clients Obtain Fair Separation Orders

A legal separation is a formal, court-approved separation that defines each spouse’s legal obligations without ending their marriage. If you are filing for a separation, the Queens attorneys at Daniella Levi & Associates, P.C., can help ensure your legal rights are protected.

Legal separation orders are similar to divorce decrees in that they define child custody and visitation schedules, define separation maintenance – child and spousal support – and divide the property. Because legal separations may last many years, it is important to clearly establish each spouse’s rights and obligations to avoid future arguments or unfair treatment.

At Daniella Levi & Associates, P.C., our seasoned divorce and family law attorneys ensure our clients obtain fair legal separation orders. While agreements and determinations in a legal separation may be altered during a subsequent divorce process, a legal separation order often lays the groundwork for the divorce decree. In that vein, it is important you do not forfeit your rights to support, establish a clear custody arrangement and don’t agree to an unfair division of property.

Why Choose Legal Separation?

Oftentimes, one or both spouses are not emotionally ready for divorce. In these cases a legal separation can be a point of transition, allowing both spouses time apart to determine whether divorce is something they want to pursue.

Filing for legal separation also allows one spouse to continue being covered by the other spouse’s medical benefits. Other people choose to legally separate instead of divorce for religious purposes.

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